Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tejal Patni and a lesson in the surreal

For those of you that follow the Trendland Blog (you should) this will be rehashed old news, but I had to repost it not only because of the amazing photography, but because there's some pretty damn fine headwear amongst it which needs to be shared....

Tejal Patni is an Indian fashion photographer who's star must surely be on the rise, blinkin' marvellous he is; moody, surreal, quirky and humourous, just they way I like it. I could spend hours browsing his website and in fact have... but that's possibly because the site seems to force some commitment from you before it provides the most delicious juice. As it should!

I would also love to know who designed all of these fabulous creations, as there's some stunning raw material here.

Is this not one of the greatest dresses ever designed?

But if you thought the photography was good, spend a moment checking out his Splash Calendar. It's a whole new level of wonderment - every month complete with magical styling, futuristic headwear and hair design, and clothing from another dimension. I'm smitten